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connection through celebration

Personal Growth

One on One Support


As a Ceremony Sister, I will be your friend and shoulder for navigating through your best and worst moments. Be it buying a new home, needing a meditation coach, or moving through the loss of partner or a pet.

Couple's Coaching



Couple's coaching doesn't have to start when the relationship is failing. Concious-Coupling starts your relationship off on the right foot for passion and connection.

Wedding services, baby blessings and all of life's celebrations.


Sistering Support


Free training provided to support those seeking to Officiate Weddings and other life celebrations.

Support for the building and maintaining healthy women's gatherings.



I've always been in love with mystery and magic. I cringed at the traditional Religious dogma traditional institutions would try and dictate, but basked in the deliciousness of people gathering to connect and bring joy and happiness to the world through community and celebration.

My fundamental believe is that love is the key source for everything we need to do and it is my mission to explore how to raise the love in our lives to find, embrace and maintain happiness.


I create ceremonies that honour and respect the faiths and perspectives of all people because ultimately, we are all the same in most basic of ways. We desire to be seen, heard and loved. And, we desire to share that with others.


Connecting with ourselves, our partners, our family and our friends, is the greatest love story.


Ceremonies are stories. They are the framework for understanding and celebrating each moment that passes to remind us of how precious that love is in our lives.

Reach Out

Services are offered online and in person in Toronto, Ontario 

Thanks for reaching out! I'll be in touch soon.


© 2012 The Ceremony Sisters

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